Organization of Aviation Enterprises’ Interaction Based on the Digital Platform




digitalization, digital transformation, digital platform, interaction of aviation enterprises, organization of interaction


The article considers the approach to digital transformation of the aviation industry in terms of organizing the interaction of supply chain participants involving air transport based on the digital platform. Digital transformation is considered not only as a tool of information interaction, but also as a business model that creates value by uniting consumers and producers of goods and services. There was performed a statistical analysis of indicators characterizing the state of the global aviation market and that of Ukraine in particular, of the global crisis impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on air transport and changes in the field of passenger and freight transport; there were analyzed the possible ways of overcoming the consequences of the crisis for airlines and airports and the use of digital technologies in developing anti-crisis strategies. The necessity of forming a united information space in the supply chain to ensure the rapid exchange of information between cooperating transport hubs and government agencies, including the exchange of information on the management of production and commercial activities of transport enterprises was highlighted. The role of air transport in servicing global supply chains was also emphasized, as it offers highly integrated and comprehensive fast delivery with safe, reliable, convenient and highly efficient services. There was proposed a scheme of information interaction among supply chain participants involving air transport based on the digital platform in the context of united information space. The use of the digital platform as a tool for organizing interaction was justified, as this technology provides massive opportunities to achieve increased efficiency not only of individual units, but also of the entire supply chain.


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How to Cite

Molchanova, K. (2021). Organization of Aviation Enterprises’ Interaction Based on the Digital Platform. Virtual Economics, 4(1), 77–97.


