Virtual Economics (VE) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to enhancing cross-disciplinarity investigations on the capabilities of digitalization and sustainability for development management at regional, national, and global scales. VE was founded by the Institute for International Cooperation Development and the London Academy of Science and Business, which are non-profit scientific research organizations focused on innovative technologies and synergy of science and business for the progress of civilization all around the world.

Virtual Economics enhances the international synergistic cooperation among representatives of science and practice in digitalization and sustainability for development management is aimed at increasing the intensity of scientific and technological progress, which, in turn, makes science interdisciplinary and opens up new horizons for scientific thought. Exchange of views and systematization of knowledge are the fundamental factors in determining development priorities, optimizing processes and achieving bifurcation for various scales and aspects of human development.

Cite Score 2024, calculated on 11 November 2024 (measures average citations received per document published in the serial): 16.6.

Scimago Journal Rank 2023:  Q1 (Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous), Business and International Management, Management Information Systems), and Q2 (Management of Technology and Innovation).

Review Time (the period during which submitted manuscripts or articles undergo a thorough evaluation by experts in the field): 16 weeks.

Time to First Decision (the duration it takes for the editorial team to provide an initial outcome or decision on a submitted manuscript after it has undergone the peer-review process): 3.5 weeks.

Publication Time (the mean duration, in weeks, for an article to transition from the point of manuscript acceptance to its initial online presence, marked by the appearance of the article along with a digital object identifier (DOI)): 3 weeks.

Expect on average 22.5 weeks from submission to publication.

The rejection rate of submitted papers is approximately 81%.

Virtual Economics is an open-access online journal, published in English, with Double-Blind Peer Review and a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0). The submission of papers takes place online via e-mail: Due to an increase in hacker attacks on the journal's website, we are currently accepting article submissions via email only. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editorial Board, and – if found acceptable for further consideration – to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.