Peer Review Process
The procedure of reviewing at the Virtual Economics
Each paper submitted to the VE is evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief according to the following criteria: 1) the paper’s sufficient contribution to knowledge; 2) its high potential to attract the interest of an international audience. Each pre-selected paper is evaluated by at least two independent Reviewers. The double-blind review process is applied. It means that neither the Author(s) nor the Reviewers know each other’s identities. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on whether a paper will proceed to the review stage based on its originality, language quality, and alignment with the journal's scope. After receiving the reviewers' feedback, the Editorial Board, guided by the Editor-in-Chief, decides on the paper's acceptance, revision, or rejection.
The detailed evaluation criteria are outlined in the Paper Reviewer Form
1. The significance of the paper
An important and well-defined research problem, unique research area, the impact of the research performed on the existing state of arts. Appraisal: a) Excellent b) Good c) Sufficient d) Poor e) Very poor
2. Research methodology
The quality of planning and conducting the research, criteria for selecting data, the theoretical framework of the paper, research methods and their correct selection and application. Appraisal: a) Excellent b) Good c) Sufficient d) Poor e) Very poor
3. The consistency of the paper
A clear layout, cohesion between the main purpose, title and content of the paper, results coming from methods used in the paper. Appraisal: a) Excellent b) Good c) Sufficient d) Poor e) Very poor
4. The paper form
The clear and precise language, correct terminology, the accuracy of references, articles from reputable journals used in the paper. Appraisal: a) Excellent b) Good c) Sufficient d) Poor e) Very poor
5. Conclusions
a) Publication without adjustments
b) Publication with minor adjustments
c) Important adjustments required to re-review
d) The manuscript is rejected
Every year a list of Reviewers collaborating with the Editors of the Virtual Economics is shown on the website of Virtual Economics.