Gender diversity as an important element of diversity management in modern enterprises: case of Poland
gender diversity, diversity management, workplace diversity, discrimination, strategy, PolandAbstract
Diversified human resources have an enormous potential. Therefore, their proper use can be translated into the success of the organization on the market. One of the main areas of diversity management in Poland is gender. Gender diversity constitutes one of the most significant elements of diversity management, which is a challenge to contemporary enterprises. Many business entities still fail to recognize the potential that lies in gender diversity, as evidenced by the unequal treatment of women and men in some companies. Women on the labor market still have to face gender discrimination. That is why it is worth to draw attention to gender diversity and its potential. In the first part of the paper, diversity management is presented from the theoretical point of view on the basis of source literature and reports. The next chapter is focused on the issue of gender diversity based on studies conducted by various authors. The results of original studies concerning perception of women and men in management positions are presented in the subsequent part of the article. Furthermore, the authors have analyzed selected benefits and gender diversity support programs in contemporary enterprises. The main aim of the article is to draw attention to low participation of women in management positions in companies and to list arguments for eliminating this phenomenon by cautious use of diversity of competencies of both sexes. Empirical part of the article is, in turn, based on the results of the original survey conducted in Polish companies. The aim of the study was, inter alia, to compare the perception of women and men in management positions in the scope of 33 competences from 11 groups of competences from the domain of emotional intelligence. The study also refers to research on gender diversity carried out by other Polish and foreign authors. Furthermore, the authors have analyzed selected benefits and gender diversity support programs in contemporary enterprises. Discussion presented in this article can serve as methodological frame for developing actions in companies oriented at gender diversity as one of their organizational values.
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