Research methods and techniques in new management trends: research results




method, research process, triangulation


Findings from domestic and foreign literature analyses on the research methods and techniques applied in the management sciences confirmed the necessity to elaborate a certain procedure of selecting proper research methods, with consideration given to new management trends. With reference to the foregoing, the article presented qualitative studies (interviews, experts’ opinions) and quantitative ones (surveys) in order to diagnose the problem in a proper way by providing answers to five research hypotheses. As a result of the research effort, the anticipated goal of the article was achieved, i.e. the readers were presented with an elaborated procedure (Dźwigoł, 2018) of selecting the methods and techniques for the sake of the management-related research process, and with essential components of the research process used for designing the procedure in question. Since the research hypotheses were positively assessed, the author was able to present recommendations as to putting the procedures into practice, which were supported by a dedicated online tool. What is more, the achieved goal allowed not only to determine the application rate of the particular methods and techniques, or their combined versions, but also to identify certain rules as to recognising the research process in the present context and in terms of other variables, since the latter may influence whether the selected methods and techniques, related to the research subject in the context of management sciences, are essential. All foregoing steps were aimed at enhancing the reliability, quality and level of the research studies being carried out. Furthermore, it was recommended to perform further research studies aimed at verifying the adopted model and procedure of selecting research methods and techniques in the management sciences, especially in the practical context.


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Author Biography

Henryk Dźwigoł, Faculty of Organization and Management, Silesian University of Technology

Associate Professor at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. The author and co-author of 14 books, over 250 articles, 75 papers, studies and 35 scientific reports for public and private institutions as well as for business. In 2018 H. Dźwigoł was awarded an honorary degree (Honoris Causa) by the Academic Senate at the Zhytomyr State Technological University in Ukraine for his scientific output in terms of economics, organisation and management, dissemination of knowledge in the European research-related area, as well as looking for innovative solutions as to running of modern companies


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How to Cite

Dźwigoł, H. (2019). Research methods and techniques in new management trends: research results. Virtual Economics, 2(1), 31–48.


