Types and ways of modernization in a context of the international experience
modernization, productive and economic systems, society, international processAbstract
Results of the researches of productive and economic systems of a number of the countries are stated in this paper. Types and ways of modernization of these systems taking into account the choice of development model of society are presented. Process regularity of international modernization, including Russia is specified. The immediacy of the problem of modernization as sets of technological, economic, cultural, political changes is proved. The listed changes are directed to the improvement of social system, cultural and educational level of the population and to the increase in prestige of the country in general. Qualitative differences between the eastern ("Asian") and western ("European") ways of modernization are given. The objective reasons of differences in character, rates, efficiency of implementation of political modernization in post-socialist societies are the level of political stability in society, presence of the reformatory elite interested in political and innovative development strategies of society, and cultural traditions. Stages and prerequisites of production modernization are considered. The questions describing participants of the process, their competences and professional standard are shown. The quality of education of leading representatives was and remains the major indicator defining long-term development of society. Examples of implementation of the international educational projects are given.
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