The development of electromobility in Poland




electromobility, electric vehicles, development policy


The article discusses the development of electromobility in Poland. The first part of the article highlights the significance of electromobility for the national transport and energy policy. The second part of the article describes issues related to the development of charging infrastructure. The article also presents plans for the expansion of charging stations and barriers related to it. The article discusses market segments in which electric cars are actually used. Finally, the article describes stages of electromobility development in Poland and indicates its benefits for Poland. Being a new rapidly developing industry, electromobility can be an opportunity for Polish businesses and a stimulating factor for the entire national economy. The article is concluded with a summary.


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How to Cite

Drożdż, W. (2019). The development of electromobility in Poland. Virtual Economics, 2(2), 61–69.


