Risk Optimization of Industrial Enterprise





industrial enterprise, risk management, development, model, optimization, operation conditions


Industrial enterprise risk management must take into account the conditions of the activities that are carried out and the goals that are set out under these conditions. To solve this problem, a scientific and methodological approach to targeted risk optimization of an industrial enterprise was developed based on a set of models of comparing the goals of the enterprise under operation conditions, matching the available resources with the needs and choosing the methods of risk management according to the limitations by goals and resources. The use of the developed scientific and methodological approach enables the enterprise to choose the most effective methods of risk management.


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How to Cite

Hroznyi, I., Tymoshyk, M., & Malevski, E. (2019). Risk Optimization of Industrial Enterprise. Virtual Economics, 2(3), 55–72. https://doi.org/10.34021/ve.2019.02.03(5)


