The concept of the system approach of the enterprise restructuring process




system approach, enterprise, restructuring process


The article presents methodical requirements for the restructuring programme in the context of strategic management and the shaping of strategic forms. The author described the corporate restructuring model as a basis for transformations designed to achieve a knowledge-based organisation. The author attempted to address the following question: How should the knowledge management model be perceived in modern companies? Furthermore, the importance of organisational forms in the corporate restructuring process was underlined. The restructuring process should be carried out on the basis of specific restructuring objectives resulting from the scope of changes.


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Author Biography

Henryk Dzwigol, Faculty of Organization and Management, Silesian University of Technology

Associate Professor at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. The author and co-author of 14 books, over 250 articles, 75 papers, studies and 35 scientific reports for public and private institutions as well as for business. In 2018 H. Dźwigoł was awarded an honorary degree (Honoris Causa) by the Academic Senate at the Zhytomyr State Technological University in Ukraine for his scientific output in terms of economics, organisation and management, dissemination of knowledge in the European research-related area, as well as looking for innovative solutions as to running of modern companies


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How to Cite

Dzwigol, H. (2019). The concept of the system approach of the enterprise restructuring process. Virtual Economics, 2(4), 46–70.


