Access to Justice and Digital Inclusion in the Amazon: Geographic Vulnerability and Riverside Communities




access to justice; digital justice; Amazon region; geographic vulnerability; riverside communities.


This article explores access to justice for a local population in the Brazilian Amazon region and the opportunities generated by digital transformation in the judiciary, focusing on the case of Porto de Moz, Para, Brazil. While access to justice has been extensively examined through various theoretical lenses within the realm of social sciences, a noticeable void persists in the scientific discourse concerning access to justice for riverside communities within the Amazon region. Consequently, this study delves into the challenges confronted by the Judiciary and other components of the justice system in a Brazilian region characterized by heightened structural intricacies, underscored by the geographic isolation of its populace and a dearth of public services. The primary objective of this research is to elucidate the perspectives of riverside residents in the Amazon region regarding impediments and enablers to accessing justice services. To achieve this goal, there was undertaken a case study within one of the riverside communities in the municipality of Porto de Moz, situated in the state of Pará, Brazil. Employing document analysis and focus groups with local residents, the empirical research sheds light on the prevailing scenario. The findings of the study reveal that the predominant barriers to accessing justice in the surveyed riverside community include geographical isolation, technological constraints – such as unreliable energy infrastructure – and the virtual absence of public authorities in delivering essential services. Conversely, key facilitators of access encompass public-private partnerships, the establishment of digital inclusion points, and itinerant justice initiatives.


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How to Cite

De Araujo Filho, J. G., Lunardi, F. C., Gomes, A. D. O., & Correia, P. M. A. R. (2024). Access to Justice and Digital Inclusion in the Amazon: Geographic Vulnerability and Riverside Communities. Virtual Economics, 7(2), 31–49.


