Unlocking Sustainability through Innovation: A Green HR Approach for Hospitality Industry
green transformational leadership; green innovation; environmental performance; AMO theory.Abstract
Bali's tourism industry faces a critical challenge: achieving sustainable growth without sacrificing the environment. While green practices are gaining traction in hotels, the specific factors driving environmental performance remain unclear, this study investigates these relationships within Bali's unique context, informed by the resource-based view and ability-motivation-opportunity theory. Unlike other Indonesian regions, Bali's deeply rooted Tri Hita Karana philosophy, emphasizing harmony with the environment, creates fertile ground for eco-innovation in hotels. Understanding these drivers is crucial given Bali's delicate ecosystem and booming tourism. A survey of 178 hotel employees reveals green innovation as the key mediator. Green transformational leadership and green HRM practices positively influence environmental performance through fostering eco-innovation. Notably, green HRM plays a critical role in this context due to the Tri Hita Karana Foundation. These findings offer valuable insights for hoteliers, policymakers, and researchers. By implementing strong green HRM practices and fostering eco-innovation, Balinese hotels can ensure long-term sustainability and preserve their cultural and environmental heritage for future generations. This ultimately contributes to a more sustainable tourism model for Bali.
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