M&A Matchmaking Platform Model in the Process of Mergers and Acquisitions
product-market fit; M&A Matchmaking Platform; ecosystem and stakeholder map; trend analysis; Proto-Persona analysis; proto-user analysis; risk analysis; business model canvas.Abstract
This paper delves into the integration of empirical findings and theoretical insights into Business Model Canvas within the M&A Matchmaking Platform for Middle Europe, aiming to enhance process streamlining, risk identification, and shareholder communication. Utilizing Proto-Persona analysis, representative user personas are crafted to understand customer requirements for mergers and acquisitions. The M&A Matchmaking platform addresses the absence of digital solutions tailored to M&A users in Central Europe. Data mining and internal document analysis inform the interpretation of Business Model Canvas benefits within the M&A Matchmaking platform. Visualizations integrate Product Market Fit Canvas to enrich the platform's value proposition, revenue streams, and cost structure. Service design enhancements streamline platform operations, following Lean Canvas principles. Scientific methods, including ecosystem mapping, trend analysis, Proto-Persona, Proto-User Journey analyses, and risk analysis, inform platform development and refinement. Targeted campaigns and Deloitte marketing initiatives drive seller awareness and acquisition. Sellers visit the platform for evaluation, create detailed profiles, make decisions, negotiate contracts, and reflect on their experience. Positive experiences foster loyalty and recommendations, contributing to the platform’s sustainability and development. Awareness and interest among potential buyers are generated through targeted marketing, leading to informed selections, profile creation, decision-making, agreements, and feedback. The platform facilitates efficient mergers and acquisitions through advanced algorithms and data analysis, creating business opportunities aligned with market trends. It offers an intuitive interface for interaction, evaluation, and negotiation, enhancing efficiency and reducing complexity. Suggestions for personalized matchmaking, comprehensive profiles, and transparent communication channels aim to further improve platform effectiveness.
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