State policy on the functioning of institute of bankruptcy in Ukraine




bankruptcy institute, trend model, state policy, Ukrainian economy, crisis


The main task of state regulation of the bankruptcy institute in the course of adjusting the activities of the subjects is the formation of such conditions for the functioning of the national economy, which will reduce the risk of doing business for all its entities and promote the internal reorganization of its structure in accordance with the requirements of global transformations. The system of indicators describing the situation in a certain area of ​​the functioning of national economic entities allows us to determine, directly or indirectly, the effectiveness of the bankruptcy institute at the macro-level. To analyze the impact of each of the factors on GDP, a sensitivity analysis was conducted according to which input data X were recorded at the values ​​of 2018 and alternately changed by 10%. For each such change, GDP was calculated as compared to the model value for 2018. As a result of the calculations, the most sensitive factors were identified and the features of the functioning of the bankruptcy institute in the Ukrainian economy were identified. The main provisions of a state policy aimed at increasing the functional effectiveness of the bankruptcy institute are formulated. First of all, it is necessary to promote the country's position in the Doing business rankings, as well as the Indexes of Economic Freedom and Corruption Perceptions. On the other hand, the annual growth of the inflation index of around 10% and the level of the fiscal tax burden will also have a positive effect on GDP dynamics.



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How to Cite

Orlovska, Y., & Ilkova, N. (2019). State policy on the functioning of institute of bankruptcy in Ukraine. Virtual Economics, 2(4), 86–104.


