Scientific and methodical approach to adaptive diversification of industrial enterprise development under crisis conditions




adaptation, diversification, development, industrial enterprise, assessment, strategic reference points, crisis


The article establishes that Ukrainian enterprises operate in the conditions of permanent economic crises and changes in the economic environment as a result of further integration of Ukraine into the world markets. This leads to the discrepancy between the state of domestic industrial enterprises and the requirements of the economic environment. To solve this problem, a scientific and methodical approach has been developed to adapt the diversification of the industrial enterprise development in a crisis that is based on the assessment of the existing and potential crises and the formalization of the assessment of the crisis impact, which enables an industrial enterprise to justify diversification measures in order to adapt to the crisis and to save the planned strategic development benchmarks


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How to Cite

Tarasova, H. (2018). Scientific and methodical approach to adaptive diversification of industrial enterprise development under crisis conditions. Virtual Economics, 1(1), 42–52.


