Scientific and Methodical Approach to Adaptive Diversification of Industrial Enterprise Development under Crisis Conditions
adaptation, diversification, development, industrial enterprise, assessment, strategic reference points, crisisAbstract
Ukrainian enterprises face the challenge of operating in a climate of continuous economic crises and evolving economic conditions due to the country's deeper integration into global markets. This integration highlights a significant gap between the current state of domestic industrial enterprises and the economic environment's requirements. Despite the urgency of this issue, there is limited research focusing on comprehensive strategies for enterprise adaptation and development in the context of recurring economic instability. The aim of this study is to develop a scientific and methodological approach that enables industrial enterprises to adapt their diversification strategies during crises, ensuring strategic development goals are maintained. The methodology of the study involves a two-step process: firstly, an assessment of current and potential economic crises that impact industrial enterprises, and secondly, the formalisation of these impacts to guide strategic decision-making. Data for this analysis were sourced from relevant economic and industry reports, allowing for an evaluation of crisis trends and their potential consequences for enterprises. The framework provided enables a structured approach to diversification that aligns with both crisis adaptation and strategic growth. The results reveal that the application of this approach supports industrial enterprises in identifying relevant diversification measures that can mitigate the adverse effects of economic crises. Enterprises that employ this model can maintain their strategic development trajectories despite challenging external conditions. This ensures a better alignment between enterprise capabilities and external economic demands. The discussion emphasises the practical implications of the developed approach, noting how its application can be tailored to different types of crises and industries. The findings underscore the importance of proactive crisis management and strategic flexibility for industrial enterprises in volatile economies. Future research should examine the long-term impact of diversification strategies on enterprise sustainability and expand the model's applicability across various sectors and regions to validate its effectiveness under different economic conditions.
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