Quality Control Development at the Strategic Level





adaptation, control system, quality, development, stages, life cycle, industrial enterprise


The paper deals with the scientific and methodological approach to quality control of the industrial enterprise development at the strategic level based on adapting the control system to the life cycle stages of the organizational structure and products of the industrial enterprise, through which the transition between the stages of the life cycle and the quality of the enterprises’ development in a strategic term can be detected. In terms of the products’ life cycle, the task of control at the strategic level is to detect promptly the stage when the products no longer meet the needs of the market, and to control the transition efficiency from stage to stage. To solve this task, it is proposed to use the following indicators: the dynamics of sales volumes; the dynamics of the products’ market share; the coefficient of products’ competitiveness; the dynamics of products’ profitability; the coefficient of product expectation on the market, etc.


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How to Cite

Chandeth, L., Shostakovska, A., Tsymbal, P., & Vlasova, G. (2020). Quality Control Development at the Strategic Level. Virtual Economics, 3(1), 58–73. https://doi.org/10.34021/ve.2020.03.01(3)


