The Poles’ Perception of the European Integration before the Accession Referendum
Poland, European Union, European Integration, Polexit, Accession ReferendumAbstract
The announcements of Poland leaving the European Union structures were met with disapproval by the majority of the society. Why is the possible “Polexit” perceived negatively by nearly 90% of the Poles? Previously unpublished results of a public opinion survey carried out one month before the referendum, in which the Polish people supported accession to the European Union, are presented in the paper. The research focused on studying the reasons for positive and negative views regarding the possibility of including Poland in the European Union structures. The project’s objective was to obtain the data on the respondents’ attitude to the European integration in order to reveal the causes of their disapproval or enthusiasm. The results obtained in 2003 reflect the respondents’ expectations and fears regarding the upcoming change, at the same time revealing the level of their knowledge on the course and nature of integration processes. They are also a source of information about the social perception of opportunities and threats associated with accession, making it possible to compare them with the results of opinion surveys about the European Union carried out 15 years after the presented research project. Comparison with opinion polls on the European Union carried out fifteen years after the described research study shows that in 2018 positive feelings in Poland towards integration are equally well established.
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