An Agroforestry Consortium: A Multiderminant in Instituting an Agrisilviculture System to Improve Welfare




agroforestry consortium, agrisilviculture system, public welfare, farmers


Indonesia as the largest forest owner has a huge potential in exploration. Before 1997, Indonesia had lost 91,924,300 ha of forest due to deforestation. The government bodies just planted a thousand trees with no supervision and follow-up, so most of them were damaged and did not meet expectations. This research is carried out descriptively and qualitatively. The study is informed by the secondary data from the research library and from the relevant Government Agencies. The concept of an agroforestry consortium was based on a multi determination governance as a function, academics, education, audio-visual training system, and organizational institutions, and management rights’ holders to implement forest transfers. Land rights are ensured by financial institutions and advocacy. The agroforestry consortium as a facility for farmers which will accommodate inputs in developing human resources, capital, and forest land, which will later be allocated to farmers. In post-production, farmers will provide instalments of credit and forest products for agroforestry consortia. Thus, the funds can be channelled to financial institutions and forest products to practitioners. The agroforestry consortium is expected to ensure the welfare of the inhabitants in East Kalimantan Province. 


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How to Cite

Surya, D., Siti, M., Dirga, L., & Caisar, D. D. (2020). An Agroforestry Consortium: A Multiderminant in Instituting an Agrisilviculture System to Improve Welfare. Virtual Economics, 3(1), 95–111.


