Money Leaks in Banking ATM’s Cash-Management Systems




ATMs Cash Management, Stochastic Processes, Bank Data Processing, New Methodology Tested, Cashback Sites


Some widely-accepted practices on banking ATM networks may negatively affect efficient liquidity management. This paper analyses ATM cash management in light of empirical evidence which suggests that banking ATMs tend to be overloaded beyond the customer’s needs. This, in turn, results in high opportunity costs. While this is not perceived by banks as particularly harmful, it might have a damaging impact on other business which revolves exclusively around ATM networks, such as cashback sites. A dormant money case may be solved­­ by an appropriate tool matching the ATM’s cash to the user’s needs. Supported by a large database of banking records, this paper also provides model validation for a set of theorems previously developed by the author, resulting here in a cutting-edge, reliable forecasting system, suitable for anticipating ATMs cash demand as well as coupling with other supply chain planning processes.



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How to Cite

García Cabello, J. (2020). Money Leaks in Banking ATM’s Cash-Management Systems. Virtual Economics, 3(2), 25–42.


