Institutional Regulation of the Healthcare System in the Context of Spreading COVID-19 in the Russian Federation
health care, coronavirus (COVID-19), response strategy, risk-based approach, medical care, government regulationAbstract
The modern era of globalization creates specific socio-ecological conditions for the existence of the world human community, which, in turn, determine the singularity of the epidemiological behaviour of many infectious diseases. The year 2020 has challenged the humanity with a pandemic that is rapidly spreading around the world. Global relationships are fraught with global epidemiological problems. Such manifestations of globalization as intensified international migration of population, roaring international trade in agricultural products, domestic and wild animals and birds, food, raw materials and goods, development of high-speed transport, turn the world into a single global socio-ecological epidemiological system, in which all processes are interconnected and mutually dependent. The purpose of this research is to study and analyse the system of institutional regulation of the health system in the context of a pandemic. The study used such methods as the analysis method, analogies, comparisons, observations, as well as statistical methods to analyse various indicators necessary for research. Using the above methods, a large amount of literature, legislation, regulatory and institutional regulations on this issue was analysed, some existing indicators were summarized, and a conclusion was made about the process of institutional regulation in an unfavourable epidemiological situation. As a result of the study based on a large number of official documents, it was concluded that measures were taken in the Russian Federation to counteract the active spread of a new coronavirus infection. Implementation of the state policy on preventing the spread of the pandemic resulted in no high mortality rate from new coronavirus infection compared to other world states. It should be noted that due to the federal structure of the country, the heads of regions independently decide on the regulation of mechanisms to counter the spread of infection on the territory of the subject. In this regard, it is not possible to promptly update information on the effectiveness of the measures taken. Currently, the risk-based approach described in the article is a mechanism for studying the epidemiological situation, which allows determining the risk factors that affect it and, on this basis, to rank epidemiological problems by their degree of importance. Due to the fact that the pandemic as a new virus was an unexpected risk, the clinical picture remains blurred, but the institutional form of state regulation is fused to protect the rights of citizens to health care under conditions of the pandemic.
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