Multinational Corporations’ International Marketing in the Focus of Global Regionalization Process




globalization, localization, regionalization, global regionalization, glocalization, transnational corporation, international marketing, cascade marketing, global marketing, transnational marketing


Modern international economic relations are characterized by active integration, internationalization and globalization. All of them affect the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of people's lives in different countries, as well as the scientific and technological development of national economies. The prospects for expanding the scale of production and markets with a lifelong problem of resource provision remain important. The latter affects the intensification of competition among multinational corporations, the main tool of which is to reduce production costs by moving production to countries with the necessary resources and cheap labour. This leads to the expansion of the TNCs’ network in the world market and encourages adaptability to national markets, and will ensure the sale of products and profits. A decisive place in the TNCs’ activities belongs to the use of international marketing based on the opposite processes, e.g. globalization and regionalization. The purpose of the article is to generalize theory and practice, identify trends and establish interdependencies among the processes of globalization, regionalization and the use of types of TNCs’ international marketing. The research used such methods as general, materialistic, comparative, the method of comparative analysis, the method of displaying research results in graphical and tabular form, system approach, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, modelling, and comparison. As a result, the modern development of globalization, regionalization and their hybrid known as global regionalization (glocalization) is studied; the reasons and preconditions of changes in the TNCs’ strategic orientation in the context of current trends in the process of global regionalization are identified; the directions of reorientation of the TNCs’ international marketing strategy from local marketing to global marketing are determined; the use of such types of international marketing as cascade, global and transnational, is characterized and substantiated. The study came to the following conclusions: a modern positive phenomenon in the TNCs’ development is international marketing in the context of global regionalization, as an effective and promising hybrid of two modern trends of globalization and localization (regionalization); TNCs should reorient from a global business strategy to a transnational one, adhering to the principle of "global and local thinking", using international marketing, adhering to a global marketing strategy; studies of cascade, global and transnational types of international marketing have shown significant differences in cascade and global types of marketing, and transnational marketing is characterized by mediocrity of most indicators, which indicates the rationality of its use.


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How to Cite

Zhukov, S., & Diugowanets, O. (2020). Multinational Corporations’ International Marketing in the Focus of Global Regionalization Process. Virtual Economics, 3(4), 188–210.


