Impulse Buying and Hedonic Behaviour: A Mediation Effect of Positive Emotions
Hedonic shopping value, store environment, discount, positive emotions, impulse buying, SmartPLSAbstract
This paper is devoted to building a miniature of an impulse buying behaviour in department stores, which is influenced by hedonic shopping value, store environment, and price discount factors, which involve the role of positive emotions as a mediator. A comparative causal-based quantitative approach examines empirical relationships. Characteristics of the questionnaire invite respondents to be surveyed at Matahari and Transmart Department Stores in Pontianak who are instructed to use purposive sampling. In the next procedure, interpreting the data is processed with SmartPLS, which emphasizes the structural model. The results of the investigation demonstrated that hedonic shopping value had a significant effect on positive emotions at Matahari and Transmart. However, the store environment actually has a significant effect on positive emotions at Transmart, but has no effect at Matahari. It was also detected that positive emotions have a significant effect on impulse buying at Matahari. Interestingly, it has no impact in the case study at Transmart. Later, hedonic shopping value appeared to have a significant effect on impulse buying at Transmart, while at Matahari it did not. Further exploration also found that the store environment had a significant effect on impulse buying at Matahari, while at Transmart it had no effect. This work also confirms that the discount has no effect on impulse buying at Matahari and Transmart. The motives for impulse buying, hedonic behaviour, and positive emotions need to be adjusted to the broader analysis design in the future. There are striking differences with previous studies, thus providing a gap that is very suitable for the context of impulse buying.
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