Digitalization Impact on Sustainable Firm Performance of Small, Medium, and Large Businesses
digital technology usage; digital transformation strategy; organizational agility; firm performance; PLS-SEM.Abstract
Currently, the world is presented with sophistication in the field of technology, including company management. A superior company is an organization that can optimize all aspects. Speaking of existence, one of the essential pillars that support company sustainability is technology adoption. Referring to this premise, this study is structured to elaborate on the elements that determine firm performance (FP). These elements are designed into three factors: (1) digital technology usage/DTU, (2) digital transformation strategy/DTS, and (3) organizational agility/OA. This study concentrated on 159 samples compiled from small, medium, and large-scale businesses. Nonprobability sampling and purposive sampling data were extracted via PLS-SEM. Quantitative findings revealed that DTU has positive implications for DTS, OA, and FP. Empirical studies prove that DTS and OA also have a positive impact on FP. The current empirical research concludes that the increase in digital technology usage further develops digital transformation strategy, organizational agility, and firm performance. Improvements in digital transformation strategy or organizational agility can improve firm performance. Policy implications open up space for managerial actors to prioritize more complex ideas, solutions, and alternatives in strengthening mastery of the technology.Downloads
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