A Country's Green Brand and the Social Responsibility of Business
green brand, corporate social responsibility, country brand, greenwashingAbstract
Recently, the topic of carbon neutrality has been gaining momentum. Such trends are mainly related to the adoption of important global agreements, such as the European Green Deal, as well as the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Such trends have a positive effect on countries, but in such situations, states must quickly respond to the challenges and needs of the world and have an understanding of how to respond to these trends. To date, there are many ratings that can be used to form a portrait of a country (investment, social, environmental, etc.), but currently the rating of the green brand of a country is becoming more relevant. There are problems regarding its improvement and filling, yet this is a new evaluation of a country for this period of time. It is relevant today to study the nature and architecture of the concept of a green brand, as well as the search for the main determinants of its impact. The purpose of the article is to analyse publications in order to identify patterns in the development of the green brand and the social responsibility of business. The article provides a bibliometric analysis of research in the field of green branding and corporate social and environmental responsibility. The authors selected more than 10,000 works published in 2000–2021 indexed by the scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Using VOSviewer, the results of the bibliometric analysis were visualized on the definition map. This made it possible to identify seven clusters that combine 58 terms. As a result of the research, using the constructed bibliographic map, the connection between the terms ‘green brand’ and ‘corporate social responsibility’ was revealed.
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