The Role of Digital Transformation in Education in Promoting Sustainable Development
education for sustainable development, sustainability awareness, sustainable developmentAbstract
The crucial role education plays in fostering sustainable development, moving society toward a more environmentally and socially conscious future, and influencing the attitudes and behaviours of both the present and the future generations are explored in this article. The authors analyse the concept of education for sustainable development (ESD), a transformative learning technique designed to provide individuals and communities with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to encourage moral behaviour. ESD must be integrated into a number of learning contexts in order to have a full and all-encompassing impact, underscoring the need for interdisciplinary and holistic methods that are considerate of different learning styles, backgrounds, and circumstances. Moreover, the article examines the role of key stakeholders, such as educators, policymakers, and local communities, in designing and implementing transformative learning experiences that foster behavioural change, critical thinking, and social engagement. It discusses the significance of teacher training, curriculum development, and innovative educational resources in nurturing a culture of sustainability and encouraging collective action. Additionally, the article investigates the potential barriers to adopting ESD, including resistance to change, insufficient funding, and a lack of awareness, and proposes strategies for overcoming these challenges. The authors conduct a survey among university students to detect the key challenges of ESD and how to address them from their perspectives.
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