Smart Cities, Green Diets: How the Lucy Veg App Supports Valencia's Vegan Community and Contributes to SDGs
digital technology, food sustainability, sustainable development goals, smart cities, veganismAbstract
In the context of growing environmental concerns and the need to promote sustainable living, this study explores the potential of the Lucy Veg App, a digital solution under development, in contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Valencia. The app is designed to empower the local vegan community by providing resources such as plant-based recipes, eco-friendly product recommendations, and a platform for connecting like-minded individuals. This research utilizes a review of relevant literature and examines the theoretical implications of the app on the achievement of SDGs in Valencia. Methodologically, this study draws on existing research related to digital technologies, sustainable living, and SDGs, focusing on the potential of the Lucy Veg App to promote plant-based diets and sustainable lifestyles. By analyzing the app's features and exploring its potential contributions to multiple SDGs, the research studies the app's alignment with various sustainability dimensions. The findings suggest that the Lucy Veg App has the potential to contribute to several SDGs by fostering community engagement, driving positive behavior change, and addressing key sustainability challenges related to food production, consumption, and their associated environmental and health impacts. The study also identifies promising avenues for future research and practical implementation of the app, including evaluating its effectiveness, expanding its features, analyzing user data, and assessing its broader contribution to SDGs in Valencia. In conclusion, the Lucy Veg App presents a promising opportunity to support Valencia's efforts to achieve the SDGs by promoting plant-based diets, sustainable lifestyles, and leveraging digital technologies. Further research and ongoing evaluation of the app's impact on users' behavior and the achievement of SDGs are necessary to maximize its potential in fostering a more sustainable future.
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