Development of the information economy under the conditions of global economic transformations: features, factors and prospects




information economy, features, conceptual approaches, factors, components, prospects, digital technologies


The article provides a content structure of the information economy, including the main components and factors of the development. The factors of influence on the development of the information economy are identified. They are conditionally classified into five groups: research and development in the field of ICT; employee component; ICT sector development; digital technologies in business; information security. The dynamics of the development indicators of the information economy is analyzed. Prospective lines of the development of the information economy in the global cyberspace are identified, including the creation of a digital platform as a new business model; using the concept of Industry 4.0 and the “smart factory” as drivers for the digital transformation of industrial development; implementation of the “cyber physical system” as a single complex of information resources, systems and physical processes. A formula is proposed for evaluating the effect of the information economy development.


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How to Cite

Trushkina, N. (2019). Development of the information economy under the conditions of global economic transformations: features, factors and prospects. Virtual Economics, 2(4), 7–25.


