Modelling Sustainable Marketing with Retail Consumers’ Purchasing Intentions: Evidence from the MENA Region
consumer purchasing intentions; sustainable marketing; eco-friendly behaviour; retailing; green model.Abstract
Retailers strive for sustainability, relying on marketing efforts. Retail business sustainability (BS) is a debated topic, necessitating research on customer support for sustainable businesses. This study explores how Eco-Friendly customer Behaviour (EFB) mediates the connection between Sustainable Marketing (SM) and Consumer Intention to Buy (CIB) in retail. Data from 914 retail consumers underwent PLS-SEM analysis to thoroughly examine complex relationships among model variables, including potential mediation effects. The findings strongly back the link between SM and CIB. The notable role of EFB in mediating the SM-CIB relationship underscores EFB's significance in guiding CIB. For the first time in the MENA region, this study addresses how retail customers' purchasing intentions are affected by the SM fields of action. The tested model expands the previous GREEN model, providing theoretical and practical inferences.Downloads
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