AI Like ChatGPT, Users Like Us: How ChatGPT Drivers and AI Efficacy Affect Consumer Behaviour
ChatGPT; AI; AI services; intention to use; serendipity experience.Abstract
Since OpenAI first unveiled ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-based chatbot service, to the public, expectations for high utility and various possibilities have attracted researchers, industry, and consumers. The current study identified the influencing factors of consumer acceptance of ChatGPT that approached transformational innovation. For research purposes, 251 innovative consumers who use ChatGPT were recruited online, and the research model was tested by employing PLS (partial least squares) analysis. The study demonstrated the impact of consumers’ perceptions of the two AI features (human-like characteristics and performance characteristics) on their intention to use AI through their efficacy in AI services and service satisfaction. Moreover, the serendipity experience could lead to positive use intention. Considering that few empirical studies investigated actual user behaviour since ChatGPT services are still in the early stages of the market, this study might provide several implications for researchers and practitioners.Downloads
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