Mechanism of formation of industrial enterprise development strategy in the information economy




mechanism, strategy, development, industrial enterprise, information economy, business processes, management, automation


The article establishes that under the conditions of the information economy, industrial enterprises need a development strategy that takes into account the peculiarities of world changes in the spheres of production, marketing, management, etc. To solve this problem, a mechanism has been developed for forming a strategy for the development of an industrial enterprise in the information economy, based on the model of harmonization of specialized business processes with business process management, integration of management systems of specialized business processes into the general system of management of an industrial enterprise, as well as informatization and automation of business process management of the enterprise. Implementation of the developed mechanism into the practice of managing the development of an industrial enterprise provides an opportunity to increase its competitiveness, increase sales and reduce the cost of production.


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How to Cite

Kwilinski, A. (2018). Mechanism of formation of industrial enterprise development strategy in the information economy. Virtual Economics, 1(1), 7–25.


