Iterative signal processing in anticipatory management of industrial enterprise development




management, development, signal, enterprise, iteration, filter, noise, correction, management decision


The article proposes the use of an iterative approach in anticipatory management that is based on a two-stage iteration of the noise correction of the detected signal and the establishment of a signal response base, which ensures obtaining the most accurate original content of the signal and the scope of the industrial enterprise by the intensity of its manifestation. It is expedient to establish a maximum and a minimum threshold value of the force of the detected and devoid of noise original signal in the established field of activity of the industrial enterprise (review base). Setting the maximum and minimum threshold values is a necessary task, both in the case of forecasting the onset of crisis events, and in the case of identifying favorable conditions for development. It is proved that the principle of iterative signal processing is universal for controlling signals, which indicate the approach of critical events and opportunities for development. The developed approach can be applied in the anticipatory management in the internal and external environment of the industrial enterprise


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How to Cite

Kamińska, B. (2018). Iterative signal processing in anticipatory management of industrial enterprise development. Virtual Economics, 1(1), 53–65.




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