Standards of living in Ukraine, Georgia, and Poland: identification and strategic planning




standard of living, social safety, indicators, thresholds, integral index, economic security, sustainable development


The article determines the list of indicators of the standard of living of the population as a component of social security, including shadow indicators without which the assessment of living standards is inadequate in reality. The authors substantiate the limits of safe existence through the definition of the vector of the indicators’ threshold values. The paper identified the current state of the standards of living in Ukraine, Georgia and Poland through the integrated assessment from the standpoint of security, as well as outlined the most important threats. The researchers also scientifically substantiated the strategic benchmarks for the indicators of the standards of living considering three development scenarios that provide the fulfilment of the established sustainable development goals by means of adaptive regulation methods available in the control theory.


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Author Biographies

Yurii Kharazishvili, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher

Olena Grishnova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Ph.D., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Bożena Kamińska, The Sejm of the Republic of Poland

M.A. in Economics, Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland


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How to Cite

Kharazishvili, Y., Grishnova, O., & Kamińska, B. (2019). Standards of living in Ukraine, Georgia, and Poland: identification and strategic planning. Virtual Economics, 2(2), 7–36.


