Innovation and Information Aspects of the Structural Organization of the World Political and Economic Space




the world political and economic space, rent-oriented social networks, world social capital, international relations actors, institutionalization


The article analyzes the innovation and information aspects of the structural organization of the world political and economic space in terms of increasing the importance of knowledge-intensive production in meeting social needs. It develops theoretical aspects of establishing international economic relations in the conditions of deepening global confrontation between hierarchical and network structures of the global political and economic space. The institutional structure of the world political and economic space in terms of functional, normative, relational and stratification aspects is studied. It is determined that the global economy and world politics interact in accordance with the strategic direction of the global society development, the dominant position in which is occupied by information and communication technologies that provide opportunities to optimize the operation of actors in international relations and knowledge, the volume of which determines the integrated the position of the individual in the space of social inequalities, associated with a specific set of life opportunities. From the standpoint of the existential approach, it is argued that the globalization of the world economy generates a wide range of internal interests and human motivations, stimulates its purposeful influence on shaping the global information infrastructure, global productive forces and transformation of international economic relations on the natural basis of cognitive capital and social capital. The communicative and informational properties, the specifics of accumulation and the latest trends in the reproduction of social capital within the world political and economic space are considered. The paper reveals the criterion assessment of the effectiveness of rent-oriented social networks as a structural basis of the world political and economic space and the social legitimacy of international power structures for regulating the global social processes. The research results were scientifically substantiated on the basis of combining the concepts of existential approach and general scientific, special methods of scientific cognition (logical-dialectical method, method of systemic analysis, comparative method, economic-statistical method, method of theoretical generalization).


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How to Cite

Dementyev, V., Dalevska, N., & Kwilinski, A. (2021). Innovation and Information Aspects of the Structural Organization of the World Political and Economic Space. Virtual Economics, 4(1), 54–76.




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